Bhairava amulets
( Thai: Phra Pirab / Tibetan: Mahakala) .
Bhairava (sometimes called Bhairo , Bhairon or Bhairadya) is a wrathful deity worshiped by both Hindus and Buddhists,
it is a wrathful aspect of Shiva , represented in monstrous form,
carrying in one of his hands the fifth head of Brahma .
In Tantric Buddhism, Bhairava (in his various forms: Mahakala , Heruka , Yamantaka and Vajrabhairava ) is a Dharmapala protector.
He is known for transforming anger and hatred into understanding.
Bhairava amulets are powerful general protections,
they can protect against accidents as well as weapons,
black magic, evil entities or illness.
Learn more about Bhairava and its various forms.