Tibetan Amulets Tsa Tsa.
Tsa-Tsa are traditionally earthen castings
(often coming from sacred places and mixed with relics),
but also in plaster or in sacred substances like Mendroup,
which are worn by the Tibetans as magical protections,
most often in special reliquaries (Tibetan: Ga'au ) .
The accumulations of Tsa Tsa that we see in certain monasteries
or in certain sacred places are votive offerings and also the fruit of preliminary Ngöndro practices of certain schools of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.
There are Tsa Tsa in small sizes, designed to be worn
like talismans, but also great Tsa Tsa
which serve as votive tablets and statues.
On this page you are also offered traditional Tsa Tsa molds.
Learn more about the Tibetan Tsa Tsa .