Ganesh amulets (Thai: Phra Pikané ).
The elephant god Gaṇesh (also named Gaṇesha and Gaṇapati is in Hinduism
the god who removes obstacles. He is also the God of wisdom
and intelligence, and the Saint protector of schools
and knowledge workers.
Ganesh is the first son of Shiva and Parvati ,
he is a good-natured and friendly God, most often represented smiling,
sometimes dancing, writing or even eating cakes.
There are many aspects of Ganesh , including the number of arms and head
may vary (especially in the case of tantric aspects).
The worship of Ganesh is not binding, because thanks to his sympathetic nature
he tends to spontaneously help anyone who asks him
and readily accepts the devotion and prayers of the faithful.
This certainly explains the great popularity of Ganesh throughout Asia.
We can pray to Ganesh and wear amulets with his image to ward off
obstacles in one's life, and also to attract fortune and facilitate
any situation. We can also pray to him for success in studies.
and all intellectual work.
Finally, Ganesh appreciates artists
and willingly helps those who wear his amulets.