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Pendentifs Tibétains oeil de Kali.

Tibetan eye of Kali pendants. #174

Politique d'expédition et frais de port.
Envois des commandes sous 2 jours ouvrés
Livraison en 10 jours environ
Produits certifiés authentiques

Shipping policy and postage.
Orders shipped within 2 working days
Delivery in approximately 10 days
Certified authentic products

Tibetan handcrafted pendants "Eye of Kali".
These pendants are composed of two shell covers set in silver-colored metal with floral motifs.
These are parts around 30 years old, from old stock
from an ethnic jewelry store in Kathmandu.
These Tibetan pendants are called "Kali eyes"
and according to Nepalese tradition would attract the blessings and protection of the goddess Kali.

Only two pieces in stock (one large and one small).

Weight: approximately 7 and 4 grams.
Diameter: 12 and 18 mm.